The new Sigma Quattro is the oddest camera since the last Sigma Quattro sigma鏡頭收購


Two years ago at CP+, sigma鏡頭收購sigma unveiled the DP Quattro, a series of cameras with fixed lenses, APS-C sensors and a truly unique body design. This year, the company is using Japan’s biggest camera show to introduce the SD Quattro, a pair of mirrorless cameras with sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s own lens mount, unusual sensors, and — yes — another far-out body design.

Both SD Quattro cameras use sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s Foveon layered sensor technology, which is known for its high resolution, excellent color reproduction, and comparatively poor low light performance. The regular SD Quattro uses an APS-C sensor, but the higher-end SD Quattro H has an APS-H sensor, an uncommon size that sits somewhere between APS-C and full-frame and gives a 1.3x crop factor.

Both cameras also share pretty wild industrial design. The SD isn’t as futuristic as the DP, but there are some very unconventional decisions here. The grip is much shorter than the rest of the body, which balloons downward to accomodate a huge lens mount. The electronic viewfinder is situated toward the right of the camera’s rear, rather than the traditional center or left position. The display seems to be an ultra-wide panel that’s sectioned off at one end, giving the impression of a secondary always-on screen that shows exposure information in monochrome.


How does it all work out? Well, the SD cameras are at least more ergonomic than the DPs, with a far more comfortable grip. The screen certainly looks cool, too, and is a neat way to display important information without clutter. The viewfinder, though, is not a great idea — although it juts out a fair bit, I found myself slightly turning to the left to get my nose out of the way, and it just felt odd to have the camera across my face like that. Left-eyed shooters might be overjoyed, though.

There’s nothing about the SD Quattros that’ll make them any less niche than sigma鏡頭收購sigma cameras have been before. Performance seems to be as slow as ever, and you really have to have specific reasons to want the Foveon sensor. Few photographers are going to want to buy into sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s own lens mount, and it’s unclear exactly how much of the company’s lineup will cover an APS-H sensor.

sigma鏡頭收購sigma knows all of this, of course, and is happy to serve a smaller number of customers; the company’s innovation with its own cameras acts as a halo for products that more people are likely to buy, like its lenses for Canon and Nikon mounts. And really, experimentation in the staid world of camera design should always be welcomed. Pricing and a release date for the SD Quattro are yet to be confirmed.


sigma鏡頭收購sigma is also showing off two new lenses at CP+. This is the 50-100mm f/1.8, a zoom for APS-C DSLRs. Constant f/1.8 aperture is unprecedented in a lens of this focal length range, just as it was when sigma鏡頭收購sigma introduced the 18-35mm f/1.8 a few years back. Although both are pretty bulky, the lenses would make a good pair for shooters who want strong low-light performance and depth of field control without making the jump to full-frame. The 50-100mm will be out in April for $1,099.


sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s second new lens of the show is this 30mm f/1.4 prime for mirrorless cameras. sigma鏡頭收購sigma has sold a well-regarded DSLR lens with similar specs for a long time, and this version should be a solid, versatile option for Micro Four Thirds and Sony NEX shooters. It ships next month for $339.




sigma鏡頭收購(圖/翻攝自 Flickr,CC BY 2.0)

調研公司「BCNRanking」稍早公佈了 2018 全年的日本市場各類型數位相機的銷售排名。其中,在單眼相機(DSLR)領域,Canon 仍然是日本市場無可動搖的王者,以驚人的 57.4% 市佔拿下第一,領先第二名的 Nikon(39.3%),以及第三的 Ricoh-Pentax(3.1%) 。

Canon 亦已連續 16 年,拿下日本單眼市場的銷售龍頭,儘管在過去兩年間,Canon 的市佔其實已連續下滑 2.2% 與 3.7%。Canon 流失的銷量,則大多由排名第二的 Nikon 吸收。

在無反相機(Mirror-Less SLR,微單眼)市場,Canon 儘管領先幅度不大,但也同樣保持明顯優勢,以 31.6% 市佔擊敗第二名的 Olympus(23.5%),以及 Sony 的 22.7%。

有趣的是,在 2017 年,日本市場的無反相機王者仍是 Olympus,但在衰退 4% 之後,被市佔率大幅成長 10% 的 Canon 超越。

在鏡頭銷售方面,Canon 亦同樣以 20.7% 的市佔率,保持日本市場第一。

至於在一般 DC(類單眼)方面,Nikon 則以 31.5% 市佔,擊敗 Canon 的 29.8% 拿下第一;運動相機部份,GoPro 則保持高度優勢,擁有強勢的 74.3% 市佔,甚至較 2017 年已相當不錯的 51.2% 再大幅成長超過 20%。

至於全球相機市場方面,《日經》則曾統計 2017 年全年的數據,指出單眼相機市場仍由 Canon 拿下第一,具有 49.1% 市佔,領先第二的 Nikon(24.9%),以及 Sony(13.3%);全球無反相機市場部份,排名亦同樣是 Canon(43.4%)、Nikon(25.7%)與 Sony(20.0%)。

日本企業亦在全球相機市場上,拿下幾乎 90% 的超高市佔。

以下則為「BCNRanking」公佈的 2018 全年日本相機市場數據:

























sigma鏡頭收購 sigma鏡頭收購


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