David Bowie gets his own constellation, a lightning bolt in the night sky sigma鏡頭收購


David Bowie gets his own constellation, a lightning bolt in the night sky

David Bowie gets his own constellation, a lightning bolt in the night sky

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Davie Bowie will be remembered in the stardust. Belgian radio station Studio Brussel and American observatory MIRA partnered to register an entire constellation in memory of the late musician. Bowie fans can write Bowie memories and lyrics onto Google Sky digitization of the constellation, which is in the shape of the lightning bolt made iconic by the Aladdin Sane album cover.

“It was not easy to determine the appropriate stars,” says MIRA Observatory employee Philippe Mollet. “Studio Brussels asked us to give Bowie a unique place in the galaxy. Referring to his various albums, we chose seven stars — sigma鏡頭收購sigma Librae, Spica, Alpha Virginis, Zeta Centauri, SAA 204 132, and the Beta sigma鏡頭收購sigma Octantis Trianguli Australis — in the vicinity of Mars. The constellation is a copy of the iconic Bowie lightning and was recorded at the exact time of his death.”

The constellation is one of many David Bowie tributes from the past week. Comedian Fred Armisen gave a heartfelt speech on Saturday Night Live. Astronaut Chris Hadfield sent his love from space. Concerts and memorials sprung up across London, where the artist was born and raised. Expect to see more tributes in the coming weeks and months.


▲HTC VIVELAND的VR密室逃脫《噬魂之夜》、《搶救阿斯加德》驚悚登場。(圖/HTC提供)


宏達電(HTC)今(30)日宣布,VIVELAND團隊取得美國知名VR遊戲廠商ARVI所開發設計的密室逃脫遊戲《噬魂之夜》(House of Fear VR)及《搶救阿斯加德》(Signal Lost)亞洲獨家代理權,再推週年慶滿千送百優惠,搶攻中秋、國慶連假商機。

宏達電表示,這兩款遊戲由美國知名VR遊戲廠商ARVI設計,位於紐約的ARVI工作室,曾推出數款暢銷密室逃脫遊戲,繼日前HTC與ARVI VR雙方宣布於中國大陸、印度、台灣與阿拉伯海灣國家展開第一波拓展合作計畫,緊接著在今年第4季推出兩款驚悚緊張的密室遊戲。
宏達電分享,《搶救阿斯加德》則是身處於外太空秘密衛星研究站繞地球運行,但在幾個小時前訊號突然間消失, 並已偏離運行軌道,這衛星站即將衝破大氣層,墜落於地球造成人類滅絕的災難,如何能於時間限制內完成任務,重新啟動太空衛星研究站將考驗玩家反危機的團隊協調能力。
宏達電說明,目前在VIVELAND VR虛擬實境樂園中推出的ARVI VR密室逃脫遊戲,已有《拆解核危機》(Mission sigma鏡頭收購sigma)、《消失的聖誕禮物》(Christmas)、《恐懼聖所》(Sanctum)、《賽博叛客》(Cyberpunk)及《越獄逃生》(The Prison)等,並在第一波拓展後,將往埃及、香港、印尼、澳門、馬來西亞、菲律賓、南非、新加坡、泰國、土耳其及越南等地推進。 


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