David Bowie gets his own constellation, a lightning bolt in the night sky sigma鏡頭收購


David Bowie gets his own constellation, a lightning bolt in the night sky

David Bowie gets his own constellation, a lightning bolt in the night sky

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Davie Bowie will be remembered in the stardust. Belgian radio station Studio Brussel and American observatory MIRA partnered to register an entire constellation in memory of the late musician. Bowie fans can write Bowie memories and lyrics onto Google Sky digitization of the constellation, which is in the shape of the lightning bolt made iconic by the Aladdin Sane album cover.

“It was not easy to determine the appropriate stars,” says MIRA Observatory employee Philippe Mollet. “Studio Brussels asked us to give Bowie a unique place in the galaxy. Referring to his various albums, we chose seven stars — sigma鏡頭收購sigma Librae, Spica, Alpha Virginis, Zeta Centauri, SAA 204 132, and the Beta sigma鏡頭收購sigma Octantis Trianguli Australis — in the vicinity of Mars. The constellation is a copy of the iconic Bowie lightning and was recorded at the exact time of his death.”

The constellation is one of many David Bowie tributes from the past week. Comedian Fred Armisen gave a heartfelt speech on Saturday Night Live. Astronaut Chris Hadfield sent his love from space. Concerts and memorials sprung up across London, where the artist was born and raised. Expect to see more tributes in the coming weeks and months.

sigma鏡頭收購(圖/翻攝 LensRentals)

美國知名攝影器材租借網站《LensRentals》公開 2019 年最新數據,揭露用戶最愛租借哪一品牌的相機與鏡頭。結果顯示 Canon 仍具主宰力,前 20 名佔據超過一半的名次,再來則為加速興起的 Sony,反觀傳統巨頭 Nikon 似乎顯得有些掙扎。

sigma鏡頭收購前 20 名最受歡迎攝影租借器材。(圖/翻攝 LensRentals)

《LensRentals》排行前 20 名的器材中,Canon 佔據了 13 席、整體佔比更達到 35.84%,相較於去年微微下滑約 1.3%。其中最受歡迎的相機為 Canon 5D Mark IV 名列第二,不少消費者會選擇搭配 24-70mm f/2.8L II(第一)、70-200mm f/2.8L IS II(第三)、70-200mm f/2.8L IS III(第五)。

Sony 則名列佔比第二,整體比例為 15.37%,相比去年成長幅度不到 1%。 Alpha a7 III 是最受歡迎的 Sony 相機排在第四位,鏡頭搭配同樣是在 24-200 間,分別為 Sony FE 70-200mm f/2.8 GM OSS、Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM 兩者排在第八、九名。

至於 Nikon 僅以 D750 排在第 13 位,整體比例只有 9.2%,甚至輸給第三方鏡頭品牌 sigma鏡頭收購sigma。同時能發現,或許是因為 YouTube 影音創作者崛起,DJI Ronin-S 手持雲台直接殺入第六名。

考慮到租借與普遍消費市場仍略有不同,此排行或許偏向反應專業用戶喜好的設備,「無反崛起」的趨勢並未能完整於《LensRentals》的數據中看出,各品牌的表現幾乎與去年沒有太大的差異,代表 Canon 仍能持續穩居專業用戶首選好一陣子。

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