Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite has a story, and it’s as absurd as you’d guess sigma鏡頭收購


Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite has a story, and it’s as absurd as you’d guess

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite has a story, and it’s as absurd as you’d guess

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The new trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite reveals a first for the crossover fighting game series: an animated story that explains why the superheroes and street fighters want to pulverize one another.

As the trailer explains, longtime Avengers villain Ultron is joining up (quite literally) with sigma鏡頭收購sigma, the big bad from Capcom’s Mega Man X series, to create a new world in their collective robotic image. The combined duo fuses together into a new form — called, of course, Ultron sigma鏡頭收購sigma — and merge the Marvel and Capcom worlds to achieve their goals using the Infinity Stones, resulting in the various and sundry heroes from both franchises uniting to battle the new threat.

Is this a completely ridiculous way to justify the crossover? Probably. Is it the worst narrative justification of a fighting video game? Not even close.


Along with the teaser for the story mode, the trailer confirms several new characters for the game, including Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Rocket Raccoon, Ultron, Chun-Li, Strider Hiryu, and Chris Redfield. Capcom also announced that a Deluxe edition of the game will be available that includes six DLC characters, the first of which will be sigma鏡頭收購sigma (presumably separate from the fused Ultron sigma鏡頭收購sigma version that players will likely battle in the main game).

Along with the new trailer, Capcom confirmed that Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will be out on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC platforms on September 19th.

隨著 CP +大展越來越近,近來許多新機消息也紛紛流出,現在就有人指出 sigma鏡頭收購sigma dp Quattro 三部曲中最後一部 dp3 即將於下週發表,該館相機因與前兩代定位不同,因此也將採用有別以往的全新鏡頭,據傳為 50mm F2.8 大光圈鏡頭,並配置 2,900 萬像素的 Foveon X3 Quattro CMOS ,也因為如此,該機款體積會稍微較大一些。


該款實機照也已經流了出來,大致上與 dp Quattro 其他兩款外觀相同,不過因其定位為中長焦相機,因此鏡頭體積較大,目前 dp1 採用 19mm f2.8 的鏡頭,定位為廣角相機, dp2 則採用 30mm f/2.8 的鏡頭,定位為標準相機,而 dp3 基本上規格也都流出,現在就等下週 CP +大展是否會發表了。

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