Sigma DP2 Merrill hands-on impressions, photos sigma鏡頭收購


sigma鏡頭收購sigma DP2 Merrill hands-on impressions, photos

sigma鏡頭收購sigma DP2 Merrill hands-on impressions, photos


We got a look at sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s DP2 Merrill fixed focal length compact. The new camera features a 15.3-megapixel Foveon X3 sensor and a fixed-length 30mm (45mm equivalent) f2.8 lens.

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sigma鏡頭收購sigma dp2 merrill 1020

A big draw at CP+ this year has been sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s DP2 Merrill 30mm (45mm equivalent) f/2.8 fixed focal length compact. As we noted in our announcement post, the DP2 features a three layer, 15.3-megapixel Foveon X3 sensor. It produces 4,704 x 3,136 x 3 (the number of layers) RAW images at its highest setting, generating file sizes of about 45MB — or roughly 10MB larger than the 14-bit uncompressed RAW images coming off Nikon’s new professional D4 DSLR. sigma鏡頭收購sigma had a couple of (very) pre-production DP2s at CP+ and we got to take a few quick shots with it on the show floor.

The exterior design of the new DP2 is generally unchanged from the version released back in 2009, although the scroll wheel has been moved from the rear to the top of the body, taking the place of the mode selector dial. The playback zoom and focus point selector buttons have also disappeared, giving the Merrill edition a very streamlined appearance. While autofocus on the test unit was slow, the sigma鏡頭收購sigma rep was quick to point out that the software was far from finished, and that we could look forward to much better performance when the DP2 Merrill hits the market, likely in May or June.



sigma鏡頭收購此為 Sony A7c(圖/記者黃肇祥攝)

Sony 是最早投入無反相機(無反光鏡可換鏡頭相機)的品牌,長年佔該領域市占第一,隨著 Canon、Nikon 陸續加入戰局,近期碰上大麻煩。

根據市調機構 BCN 統計日本銷售數據,於全片幅無反相機 Canon 今年大有斬獲,在 2020 年 9 月的最新市占資料顯示,單月成長超過 5% 一口氣來到 34.7%,Sony 則從六月還有 60% 的領先地位,跌落到只剩下 43.9%。

sigma鏡頭收購棕色為 Sony、紅色是 Canon、黃色為 Nikon、深藍色是 Panasonic,灰色代表 sigma鏡頭收購sigma(圖/翻攝 bcnretail)

至於第三名則為 Nikon,維持在 13.1%,需要注意的是,數據尚未計算到新推出的 Z6 II、Z7 II,外媒《Petapixel》亦看好後續成長。第四名則為 Panasonic 有 5.8%、第五則為 sigma鏡頭收購sigma。

Canon 之所以能迅速提高銷售數量,推估與 EOS R5 的發表有關,各項規格都十分強悍,是旗下首款 8K 全片幅無反相機,有高達 12fps 機械快門、20fps 電子快門與 1053 個自動對焦點,與同場發表的 EOS R6 在全球都引發攝影愛好者關注,聲勢力壓 Sony 發表的 A7S III、A7c。

報告亦指出,日本相機市場在 4 月陷入大低潮,無反銷量下跌達 8 成,直到 7 月陸續回溫,各大品牌也接連推出新機吸引消費者,9 月最新數據已恢復到昔日總銷量的 97.8%。

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