Sigma DP2 Merrill hands-on impressions, photos sigma鏡頭收購


sigma鏡頭收購sigma DP2 Merrill hands-on impressions, photos

sigma鏡頭收購sigma DP2 Merrill hands-on impressions, photos


We got a look at sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s DP2 Merrill fixed focal length compact. The new camera features a 15.3-megapixel Foveon X3 sensor and a fixed-length 30mm (45mm equivalent) f2.8 lens.

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A big draw at CP+ this year has been sigma鏡頭收購sigma’s DP2 Merrill 30mm (45mm equivalent) f/2.8 fixed focal length compact. As we noted in our announcement post, the DP2 features a three layer, 15.3-megapixel Foveon X3 sensor. It produces 4,704 x 3,136 x 3 (the number of layers) RAW images at its highest setting, generating file sizes of about 45MB — or roughly 10MB larger than the 14-bit uncompressed RAW images coming off Nikon’s new professional D4 DSLR. sigma鏡頭收購sigma had a couple of (very) pre-production DP2s at CP+ and we got to take a few quick shots with it on the show floor.

The exterior design of the new DP2 is generally unchanged from the version released back in 2009, although the scroll wheel has been moved from the rear to the top of the body, taking the place of the mode selector dial. The playback zoom and focus point selector buttons have also disappeared, giving the Merrill edition a very streamlined appearance. While autofocus on the test unit was slow, the sigma鏡頭收購sigma rep was quick to point out that the software was far from finished, and that we could look forward to much better performance when the DP2 Merrill hits the market, likely in May or June.






宏達電(HTC)今(30)日宣布旗下VIVELAND團隊取得ARVI所開發設計的VR密室逃脫遊戲《賽博叛客》(Cyberpunk),以後後續遊戲的亞洲區獨家代理權,最多可支援6人連線,已在台北三創生活園區的VIVELAND樂園及高雄大魯閣草衙道的KOSMOSPOT X VIVELAND全台同步上線。
HTC VIVE虛擬實境部門副總經理李文材表示,VR密室逃脫遊戲以傳統密室逃脫布局為基礎,透過最新的虛擬實境技術強化遊戲體驗,設計出2~6人的團體遊戲,這款最新的《賽博叛客》,玩家將穿越時空抵達22世紀,進入因科技發展而快速膨脹導致崩潰的社會。

李文材指出,《賽博叛客》 的遊戲背景,此時人類身體的相關數據已成各大企業競相爭奪的最有價值商品,玩家將服務於具特殊能力的人造人所建立的組織,並受命滲透竊取其他公司的檔案,需在45分鐘內找到檔案並下載完成。

李文材進一步指出,《賽博叛客》 過程具挑戰性又非常刺激,最多可支援6人連線遊戲,適合12歲以上的玩家與同伴一起組隊解謎,而VIVELAND接下來每兩個月將定期推出新遊戲,讓玩家享受更多選擇。

近兩年VIVELAND陸續將廣受好評的VR密室逃脫遊戲引進台灣,包括Ubisoft所製作的 《失落的金字塔》(Escape the Lost Pyramid)與《穿越梅杜莎之門》(Beyond Medusas Gate),及ARVI製作的《拆解核危機》(Mission sigma鏡頭收購sigma)與《恐懼聖所》(Sanctum)。

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